Home, National Library of Ireland


During conservation; securing the album structure with pamphlet style stitching

Structure is essential – the conservation of albums

Post by Claire Dantin, Conservation intern 2016-17 (NLI’s conservation internship programme is jointly run with the Heritage Council) For a conservator, understanding the original materials of an...

Preserving the Pearse Papers at the National Library

Only very cool conservators get to work on the conservation equivalent of CSI. Yes, it's fun to wear white coats, flash the ultraviolet light around and talk abut acidity (for us, anyhow!), but the...

We've been doing our hard sums

by Jenny Doyle,  Digitisation Programme Co-ordinator 42,430 + 12,000 = 11% For those of you with Holmesian standard detection abilities, apologies for this update, as you have probably already...

Time Capsule - The Innisfail sails again

by Justin Furlong (Newspaper Librarian); Alexandra Nederlof (Student Conservation Intern from the University of Amsterdam) and Louise O'Connor (Conservator) In February 2012 we were contacted by Tim...
The Waterford Mirror before conservation

Conserving our Newspapers

by Élodie Lévèque and Louise O'Connor, Conservation; and Justin Furlong, Newspaper Librarian The National Library of Ireland recently acquired two volumes of The Waterford Mirror containing rare...
The book cover

Always judge a book by its cover

by Elodie Leveque & Louise O'Connor, Conservation Conservators love knowing how a book was put together, and recently, we had the opportunity to examine a very interesting item. Despite being in...