Reading Rooms

The National Library of Ireland has a number of reading rooms at our different locations.
General information
- A reader’s ticket is required to access all reading rooms and research spaces. You may apply for a reader’s ticket using our online application form.
- All material must be pre-ordered.
- Before consulting the physical collections, please read the guidelines for handling material and use the supports available, including cushions and weighted beads.
- Computers with access to digital collections and eResources are available in all reading rooms.
- Readers may use their own portable devices.
- Digital photography of collections is permitted. Please follow the guidelines for handling material.
- Reference works are available on open access in the reading rooms.
- NLI staff are on hand to provide assistance with any queries.
- Bags and coats must be left in the lockers which are located in the reception areas.
- Rules for readers are available here.
The Main Reading Room is located at 7/8 Kildare Street and accommodates up to 75 readers. Published collections including books, serials, government publications, and newspapers are delivered to this Reading Room. Search the online catalogue.
The Microfilm Reading Room is located beside the Main Reading Room and has 15 spaces with microform readers and computers. The most popular newspaper titles on microfilm are available on a self-service basis. There are a number of computers where you can view digitised newspapers and other online resources.
The Manuscripts Reading Room is located at 2/3 Kildare Street and accommodates up to 30 readers. Manuscripts (including Genealogical Office and Gaelic manuscripts) and rare book collections are consulted in this reading room. Search the online catalogue.
The National Photographic Archive Reading Room is located at Meeting House Square, Temple Bar. Access to the reading room is by appointment only; please email