Getting Started

Phelan family, 1939 (POOLEWP 4313)
Your family research begins with you and your immediate family.
If you are undertaking research you should start by checking and comparing notes and recollections with other family members. Consult old photographs on which names and dates may be noted, newspaper clippings, old letters, family Bibles, as well as family gravestones. Try to establish approximate dates (of births, marriages and deaths) as well as names (forenames and related family names) and places of residence.
This information will help to identify relevant records. Religious denomination is also important in determining which records are relevant to your research.
The NLI has created template worksheets that you can use to record your family tree. These include a chart to record information about your direct ancestors, and a group sheet to record additional details about parents and siblings. It is recommended to complete a group sheet for your own parents and grandparents before progressing to older generations in your family tree.
Download Family Chart Worksheet